7 WordPress Statistics You Must Know in 2025 to Grow Business

Did you know that you can use WordPress Statistics as the key to the ultimate business growth in 2025? Well, if you are surprised to hear that, let us provide you access to this ultimate treasure. In today’s blog, Appinnovix is sharing the latest WordPress Statistics 2025 along with its captivating usage for the business! But before that let us also know some quick facts about WordPress to learn something from its business model.

Introduction to WordPress

  • WordPress came into being in the year 2005 as a blogging platform. But soon it expanded as a Content Management System and later as a website development platform.
  • The parent company of WordPress is Automattic which is headquartered in San Fransisco, California, USA.
  • Matt Mullenweg, an American Entrepreneur and Web Developer has developed WordPress and founded Automattic.
  • Do you know that WordPress is an open-source web software and not a blogging platform?
  • Today WordPress has over 31, 000 WordPress themes in total of which around 10,000 themes are free of cost.

Clearly, during its 20 years of existence, WordPress has witnessed miraculously tremendous success with its growth-oriented business approach. And you too can benefit from WordPress this year! Know the latest WordPress Stats and find some exclusive ideas from Appinnovix to grow your business with WordPress Stats!

So stay glued to this article and get ready to benefit from the latest WP Stats this year!

1. WordPress Statistics 2025: How Many Websites Were Created with WordPress in 2025?

According to Colorlib, an IT Consulting company, about 810 million websites on the globe were created using WordPress in 2025. Some popular reasons behind using WordPress websites by users include-

  • User-friendly interface
  • No coding required
  • Flexibility in website development
  • Availability of over 31,000 free and premium website themes
  • Most important, its SEO-friendliness

When a website development platform allows such features, then it is natural for web developers to opt for this option. Therefore, WordPress is the most popular platform for website development all over the world. In fact, none of its competitors has been able to beat it in terms of market share discussed further in this blog.

Business Growth Tip

If you are planning to own a website this year for your business, we would recommend that you opt for a WordPress website. In addition to the above-listed benefits of WordPress, there are other benefits too. First of all, the website development process will be time and cost-saving even if you hire a web developer. And secondly, if you are a new business or a start-up unwilling to offer a fat fee to the web developer, then you can develop a website on your own. Also, if you feel stuck at any point, you will find thousands of YouTube videos and online blogs about ‘How to Use WordPress?’. This way you can save a great deal of time and cost!

2. WordPress Statistics Estimates the WordPress Usage Increases by 12% Each Year on an Average!

According to WordPress Usage Statistics, an estimate states that WordPress Usage increases by 12% every year. It implies that WordPress users are growing every year without any setbacks! So, on an estimate, if people created 810 million WordPress by 2025, and WordPress usage increases in number by 12% each year, then by 2028 we will have over 1.4 billion WordPress websites in the world.

WordPress Statistics

As a matter of fact, we can also estimate, that most of the users will be using WordPress websites and will become accustomed to its interface. Once, the users become habitual of using WordPress websites, it is possible that users might grow habitual of WordPress as much as they are habitual of using Google.

Business Growth Tip!

So, Appinnovix would advise all the existing and upcoming businesses, to opt for WordPress website development for their business. The more user-friendly the website you create, the more visitors you will get to your website.

Furthermore, as we discussed earlier WordPress is deemed as the most SEO-Friendly website development platform. Eventually, this will bring natural website traffic to your online site, and you can convert this online traffic into physical traffic for your business stores.

Did you know that around 1 Million popular brands are already using WordPress websites and WordPress CMS for their business growth? And most of these popular brands are from the media and journalism industries. To list a few anecdotal names we have-

  • Bloomberg
  • TechCrunch
  • CNN
  • Time Magazine
  • Microsoft News
  • Wired
  • Vogue
  • Angry Birds
  • The New York Times Company

And many more! Moreover, the reasons we have already listed above in this blog. So there is no need to explain again why WordPress is the choice of so many businesses these days.

Business Growth Tip!

So, if you are a media company or you are a startup planning to start an online news platform, then you must give WordPress a try. Use the free WordPress blogging platform and get access to free WordPress analytics for your platform. In this way, you can start your own news and blogging platform with 0 business investment!

4. WordPress CMS has the Largest 64.2% Market Share

When compared to its competitors, the latest WordPress statistics from the popular tech survey platform W3Tech reveal that of all websites using a CMS, 65.2% of them use WordPress. This WordPress Statistics is followed by Shopify, Wix, Squarespace, and Joomla having 6.6%, 2.8%, 2.7%, and 2.6% market shares respectively.

WordPress Statistics

Business Growth Tip

As WordPress CMS has such a lion’s share in the market, WordPress is less likely to shut operations overnight. Therefore, one can see WordPress as the most reliable website development platform, web host, and CMS system. Furthermore, the two biggest reasons that make WordPress so popular are-

  • Its SEO-Friendliness and ability to rank quickly on Google SERP.
  • 10, 000 Free WordPress Templates for website development.

Since, these two reasons make WP this popular, users will continue to benefit from these two WP features throughout their lives. No business cuts down the qualities that bring ultimate success to it.

So, if you want to experience great SEO and enjoy free website development, then use WordPress for website creation. You may also pursue a WordPress development course and can start your own freelancing website development business with an investment of less than 25K INR!

5. 61.2% of WordPress Users Have the Latest WP Version as per WordPress Statistics

According to the Colorlib WordPress Statistics, 61.2% of the total WordPress users use the latest WordPress 6.2 Version. Furthermore, W3Tech states that a total of 74% of WordPress users have WordPress 6 Version as a whole.

WordPress statistics

The WordPress User statistics further reveal that WordPress Versions 5, 4, 3, and 2 have 20.1%, 5.5%, 0.4%, and 0.1% of users respectively.

Business Growth Tip

Thus, Appinnovix advises you to always keep your WordPress version up to date. Using the latest updated WordPress version for your WordPress website unlocks the latest and more exciting features for your website. This makes your business website more interactive, engaging, and interesting!

It will reduce the bounce rate from your web pages and will ensure traffic retention! Also, it will give more opportunities to your web page visitors to explore your blogs, products, and services more!

WordPress statistics further reveal that till September 2025, there are around 31,000 WordPress themes available to choose a website theme from. Of these 31,000 WordPress templates or themes around 10,000 themes are free to use. Furthermore, Divi is the most popular free WordPress Theme in 2025. Apart from Divi, Astra, Zakra, Elementor, Botiga, and Vogue.

These WordPress themes are not only free but also easy to customize. And even if you do not have any coding background, you do not have to bother. You may still create professional and free-of-cost websites with the help of these free WordPress templates.

Business Growth Tip

Are you looking for a career change? Do you feel stuck at your job? Well, why don’t you look forward to starting your own website designing business? Oh, you are not from the IT sector? Well, worry not! Pack yourself for 2 hours each weekend. Explore WordPress free website themes and master web design at 0 investment! And in just a few weeks, you will be ready to launch your exclusive website design business!

7. 97% of Bloggers in The World Use WordPress for Blogging

Lastly, one of the most important WordPress Statistics in 2025 is that there are over 600 million blogs on the Internet in this world. And around 97% of bloggers use WordPress for posting blogs. In a nutshell, WordPress is the home to 60 million blogs in this world. However, many blogs are dedicated to content marketing, but the number of health, beauty, personal care, beauty, and tech blogs is no less.

Furthermore, more than 80% of bloggers have reported in a survey, that writing blogs has driven results. People have connected to bloggers and many bloggers in the IT and beauty sectors have gained popularity through their blogs. Also, many people tend to read blogs of their interest on a daily basis. And these WP stats can make you popular too this year. How? Read the tip below-

Business Growth Tip

Do you feel you are good at reviewing any beauty product? Or you can help a naive person by buying a phone, tablet, laptop, or any other gadget? Or are you great at providing health and fitness tips? Well, try finding an area you are good at! And if you are a keen writer on top of it, then believe us! You can start your WordPress blog today and experience popularity in 2024!

Final Thoughts

So, WordPress statistics reveal that it is not only WordPress that is getting famous but also the bloggers and businesses associated with WordPress are growing popular day by day. Many people use WordPress for free website development for their businesses and blogs. The SEO-friendly nature of WP and its other exciting features discussed above in this blog have made WordPress popular among people. And people in turn, by using these WordPress features, free website themes, and CMS plugins have gained popularity further.

So, you too can plan to give WordPress a chance in your career and business. And Appinnovix is sure that you too will make history as WordPress has made! Have a great year ahead! Appinnovix Wishes you all the best!

Some Useful links:

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Why E-commerce Website Development is Important

7 Reasons Why E-Commerce Website Development is Important for Your Business!

Learn How Having Your Own E-Commerce Website Matters!!

The growth of E-Commerce is crystal clear since the time of the pandemic. From small to large-sized businesses, today everyone is aware of the importance of having an online presence. However, to go online most businesses, especially the small and medium ones prefer well-established E-commerce platforms such as Amazon, Flipkart, and others. But overlooking the need for its own E-commerce website development may have many disadvantages.

Therefore, today we are discussing the top 7 pros, cons, and benefits of having your own E-commerce store. We will discuss in detail why you must prefer your own e-commerce store over existing e-commerce platforms. Also, we will discuss which website development company can let you achieve your goals in your budget.

1. Practice Your Fundamental Right of Freedom

When you tie up with an already well-established E-Commerce platform, you are immediately burdened with the policies of these platforms. There are certain ‘standards’ and ‘regulations’ that these companies will impose upon you. And you will need to modify your products, production processes, and even marketing techniques as per their policies. On the contrary, when you have your own e-commerce website, you are free to practice your monopoly rights over your business. In a nutshell, you may work at your own pace and on your own rules. And e-commerce website development is the key to your freedom.

2. Minimised Commission, Optimized Profits

What do you think? Tie-ups with the e-commerce platforms are free of cost? Not at all! In the world of trade and commerce, no entrepreneur is up for your help. But the sole motive of every businessman is profit. However, the E-commerce platforms will not charge you directly. But the load will instead come into the pockets of your customers in name of shipping charges and hidden commission.

Eventually, the price of your commodity will get higher. And this may lead your customers to opt for cheaper substitutes. However, with your own e-commerce website development, you can offer fair and minimal prices to your customers, which will definitely increase your sales.

3. Let Your Customers Exercise their Fundamental Freedom Virtually

E-commerce website development is a boon these days. Remember that an already established e-commerce platform will only allow selected features. But, having your own e-commerce platform can let you have the best ones. The present time is the time of virtual and augmented reality. And during the pandemic, ‘try-on’ virtually is a feature that has gained exceptional popularity. In fact, the try-on feature or virtual stores are now more popularised than offline physical shopping.

For example, the big cosmetic brands are now offering try-on facilities virtually while this feature can never be availed offline. Shopping for lipsticks has become so very easy for ladies with the virtual ‘try-ons’. And hence, they are shifting towards online shopping of cosmetics by leaps and bounds. So, focus on building an online virtual store, especially if you have a cosmetic, jewellery, or apparel business. Market your online store and see how the traffic over your website gets boosted!

4. Do Not Let Others Become ‘Big-Billionaires’ at Your Profit’s Cost!!

Apart from these, another con of partnering with the established e-commerce store is that these platforms are retailers. And to promote their sales, they keep on launching different types of sales every now and then. For example, the big-billion day sale by Flipkart! Undoubtedly, the customer gets crazy deals over the biggest brands and saves tonnes of money by shopping online. But what about the brand then? Will you find an iPhone 12 being sold as low as Rs. 40,000/- anywhere else? Not at all! But to promote their sales, e-commerce platforms apply such tactics.

Eventually, when such a sale comes on big brands, undoubtedly, your small brand is going to suffer. Clearly, people will prefer a 40, 000/- 5G iPhone 12 over your 25-30,000/- Oppo, Vivo, and even Samsung by adjusting their budgets accordingly. But generally, who will suffer? The tradesmen! You will have to compromise your profit margins every now and then in the name of sales. So, better choose a good website development company, and develop your own e-commerce store!

5. Become An Independent Brand

Jockey, Reebok, Addidas, Bata, Lakme, and whatnot! Each big brand today has an independent e-commerce website today! However, these brands apply both kinds of marketing tactics and have tie-up with established e-commerce platforms as well. But sometimes, it happens that when a product is out of stock on the e-commerce platform due to a ‘sale’, the customer in urgency prefers to buy it from the brand website.

Also, by keeping the prices low on your own e-commerce website, you may attract customers better. A pro tip for you is that keep the prices such that you include shipping and packaging charges already in the listed price. Do not show it separately as the e-commerce platforms do! And just like these aforementioned brands, one day your brand name will also count as an independent!

6. Aim to Conquer the World

Did you know that these e-commerce platforms that you choose to partner with, have national and international versions? Simply put, the Amazon for the Indian audience is ‘Amazon.in’, and that for the American audience is ‘Amazon.com’. Similarly, every country has its own variant. Even in a single country, not all goods are deliverable to certain locations. Then, why are you limiting yourself to a selected city, state, or even country?

Expand your horizons nationally and internationally with e-commerce website development for your business. While Amazon Australia will fail to display your products to the Australian audience, you may reach them with your own website and vigorous marketing. Also, having an e-commerce platform is one of the major techniques of digital marketing. So, use a suitable brand name and proper keywords to optimize your website. And let your business appear in the top searches abroad as well.

7. Cut Your Competition, Improve Your Products

Another fact that we generally overlook while tying up with a third-party online retailer, is that the competition is so high over there. A customer on the already established e-commerce platform has the power to choose from so many options. And the customized search techniques used by the customers may not even let your product appear in the search results. For example, suppose you have an apparel business and a customer searches with the keyword ‘pink lace dress women’ which you do not have in stock! But, many of your competitors have the same! So how are you feeling after wasting so much time and effort in partnering with these platforms?

Now consider another situation in the same business. You have your own e-commerce website and you market your product vigorously. With marketing tactics, you have achieved a good number of audience, and your customers are now also aware of your online store. The customers who are already happy with your goods and services and are loyal to your products will directly open your website. Also, not only they will buy from you but also share the links with their friends and relatives. This will further promote your business. And also if they search in a customized way, you may gather the data of their searches and develop the products accordingly!

So if your customer is searching for a pink lace dress, produce one and notify the customer. Likewise, if they are searching for ‘stretchable denim’, produce the same and advertise! You have all the data available to you ‘who is searching what’! We hope you got the point!

E-commerce Website Development

Which Website Development Company Can Help?

We are hopeful that the idea of your own e-commerce website development must be understood to the fullest by you. Now the next question appears how to have your own e-commerce website or online virtual store? The answer is simple! A web development company can help you get one. However, whenever we think of web development, we often consider big multinationals like Infosys, IBM, and Capgemini! Taking services from them might be suitable when your earnings are millions. But, if you are a small or even medium-sized business, then taking services from these international corporates may dig a large hole in your pocket!

But worry not! Why do you underestimate the Indian IITians and IT professionals? There are many tech-companies with Indian origins that can help you get your desired online virtual store without burning a hole in your pocket. And Appinnovix Technologies is also one of them. Additionally, you may also do your own research to find out a suitable business for yourself at your own location. The small-scale Indian start-ups will indeed give you better services at a more suitable price. If you are unsure how then you must read our other blog titling- Get to Know the Top 10 Mobile App Development Company in India.

Final Thoughts

Having your own e-commerce website is very important in the present-day scenario. The process of partnering with already established e-commerce giants can not only be quite complex, but it can also make you lose your monopoly over the business. Also, instead of minimizing the competition, third-party e-commerce platforms multiply your competition a thousand times. Eventually, owning e-commerce website development with the help of a good website development company will let you have a better-optimized presence.

Also, you may grow your business more than these third-party online retailers by offering a better user interface with a virtual store option. So, go ahead and get your e-commerce platform designed today!

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Mobile App Development Company

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