Why E-commerce Website Development is Important

7 Reasons Why E-Commerce Website Development is Important for Your Business!

Learn How Having Your Own E-Commerce Website Matters!!

The growth of E-Commerce is crystal clear since the time of the pandemic. From small to large-sized businesses, today everyone is aware of the importance of having an online presence. However, to go online most businesses, especially the small and medium ones prefer well-established E-commerce platforms such as Amazon, Flipkart, and others. But overlooking the need for its own E-commerce website development may have many disadvantages.

Therefore, today we are discussing the top 7 pros, cons, and benefits of having your own E-commerce store. We will discuss in detail why you must prefer your own e-commerce store over existing e-commerce platforms. Also, we will discuss which website development company can let you achieve your goals in your budget.

1. Practice Your Fundamental Right of Freedom

When you tie up with an already well-established E-Commerce platform, you are immediately burdened with the policies of these platforms. There are certain ‘standards’ and ‘regulations’ that these companies will impose upon you. And you will need to modify your products, production processes, and even marketing techniques as per their policies. On the contrary, when you have your own e-commerce website, you are free to practice your monopoly rights over your business. In a nutshell, you may work at your own pace and on your own rules. And e-commerce website development is the key to your freedom.

2. Minimised Commission, Optimized Profits

What do you think? Tie-ups with the e-commerce platforms are free of cost? Not at all! In the world of trade and commerce, no entrepreneur is up for your help. But the sole motive of every businessman is profit. However, the E-commerce platforms will not charge you directly. But the load will instead come into the pockets of your customers in name of shipping charges and hidden commission.

Eventually, the price of your commodity will get higher. And this may lead your customers to opt for cheaper substitutes. However, with your own e-commerce website development, you can offer fair and minimal prices to your customers, which will definitely increase your sales.

3. Let Your Customers Exercise their Fundamental Freedom Virtually

E-commerce website development is a boon these days. Remember that an already established e-commerce platform will only allow selected features. But, having your own e-commerce platform can let you have the best ones. The present time is the time of virtual and augmented reality. And during the pandemic, ‘try-on’ virtually is a feature that has gained exceptional popularity. In fact, the try-on feature or virtual stores are now more popularised than offline physical shopping.

For example, the big cosmetic brands are now offering try-on facilities virtually while this feature can never be availed offline. Shopping for lipsticks has become so very easy for ladies with the virtual ‘try-ons’. And hence, they are shifting towards online shopping of cosmetics by leaps and bounds. So, focus on building an online virtual store, especially if you have a cosmetic, jewellery, or apparel business. Market your online store and see how the traffic over your website gets boosted!

4. Do Not Let Others Become ‘Big-Billionaires’ at Your Profit’s Cost!!

Apart from these, another con of partnering with the established e-commerce store is that these platforms are retailers. And to promote their sales, they keep on launching different types of sales every now and then. For example, the big-billion day sale by Flipkart! Undoubtedly, the customer gets crazy deals over the biggest brands and saves tonnes of money by shopping online. But what about the brand then? Will you find an iPhone 12 being sold as low as Rs. 40,000/- anywhere else? Not at all! But to promote their sales, e-commerce platforms apply such tactics.

Eventually, when such a sale comes on big brands, undoubtedly, your small brand is going to suffer. Clearly, people will prefer a 40, 000/- 5G iPhone 12 over your 25-30,000/- Oppo, Vivo, and even Samsung by adjusting their budgets accordingly. But generally, who will suffer? The tradesmen! You will have to compromise your profit margins every now and then in the name of sales. So, better choose a good website development company, and develop your own e-commerce store!

5. Become An Independent Brand

Jockey, Reebok, Addidas, Bata, Lakme, and whatnot! Each big brand today has an independent e-commerce website today! However, these brands apply both kinds of marketing tactics and have tie-up with established e-commerce platforms as well. But sometimes, it happens that when a product is out of stock on the e-commerce platform due to a ‘sale’, the customer in urgency prefers to buy it from the brand website.

Also, by keeping the prices low on your own e-commerce website, you may attract customers better. A pro tip for you is that keep the prices such that you include shipping and packaging charges already in the listed price. Do not show it separately as the e-commerce platforms do! And just like these aforementioned brands, one day your brand name will also count as an independent!

6. Aim to Conquer the World

Did you know that these e-commerce platforms that you choose to partner with, have national and international versions? Simply put, the Amazon for the Indian audience is ‘Amazon.in’, and that for the American audience is ‘Amazon.com’. Similarly, every country has its own variant. Even in a single country, not all goods are deliverable to certain locations. Then, why are you limiting yourself to a selected city, state, or even country?

Expand your horizons nationally and internationally with e-commerce website development for your business. While Amazon Australia will fail to display your products to the Australian audience, you may reach them with your own website and vigorous marketing. Also, having an e-commerce platform is one of the major techniques of digital marketing. So, use a suitable brand name and proper keywords to optimize your website. And let your business appear in the top searches abroad as well.

7. Cut Your Competition, Improve Your Products

Another fact that we generally overlook while tying up with a third-party online retailer, is that the competition is so high over there. A customer on the already established e-commerce platform has the power to choose from so many options. And the customized search techniques used by the customers may not even let your product appear in the search results. For example, suppose you have an apparel business and a customer searches with the keyword ‘pink lace dress women’ which you do not have in stock! But, many of your competitors have the same! So how are you feeling after wasting so much time and effort in partnering with these platforms?

Now consider another situation in the same business. You have your own e-commerce website and you market your product vigorously. With marketing tactics, you have achieved a good number of audience, and your customers are now also aware of your online store. The customers who are already happy with your goods and services and are loyal to your products will directly open your website. Also, not only they will buy from you but also share the links with their friends and relatives. This will further promote your business. And also if they search in a customized way, you may gather the data of their searches and develop the products accordingly!

So if your customer is searching for a pink lace dress, produce one and notify the customer. Likewise, if they are searching for ‘stretchable denim’, produce the same and advertise! You have all the data available to you ‘who is searching what’! We hope you got the point!

E-commerce Website Development

Which Website Development Company Can Help?

We are hopeful that the idea of your own e-commerce website development must be understood to the fullest by you. Now the next question appears how to have your own e-commerce website or online virtual store? The answer is simple! A web development company can help you get one. However, whenever we think of web development, we often consider big multinationals like Infosys, IBM, and Capgemini! Taking services from them might be suitable when your earnings are millions. But, if you are a small or even medium-sized business, then taking services from these international corporates may dig a large hole in your pocket!

But worry not! Why do you underestimate the Indian IITians and IT professionals? There are many tech-companies with Indian origins that can help you get your desired online virtual store without burning a hole in your pocket. And Appinnovix Technologies is also one of them. Additionally, you may also do your own research to find out a suitable business for yourself at your own location. The small-scale Indian start-ups will indeed give you better services at a more suitable price. If you are unsure how then you must read our other blog titling- Get to Know the Top 10 Mobile App Development Company in India.

Final Thoughts

Having your own e-commerce website is very important in the present-day scenario. The process of partnering with already established e-commerce giants can not only be quite complex, but it can also make you lose your monopoly over the business. Also, instead of minimizing the competition, third-party e-commerce platforms multiply your competition a thousand times. Eventually, owning e-commerce website development with the help of a good website development company will let you have a better-optimized presence.

Also, you may grow your business more than these third-party online retailers by offering a better user interface with a virtual store option. So, go ahead and get your e-commerce platform designed today!

Some Useful links:

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How to Get Leads for Online Business in 2023

Finally, after a long-awaited lockdown, the pandemic is pacing down gradually in 2023. We all are aware that many of us have lost our jobs and even well-established businesses during this hard time. But, as now almost everything is open publically, the charm of social life is coming back slowly. However, many of us had to shift to online selling platforms during the pandemic for the sake of survival. But, not everyone is ‘pro’ in the world of ‘online business.’ It is a no denying fact that when a business goes online, so goes online it’s marketing. Marketing is the only means to get leads for a business. The more effective the marketing, the more the number of leads become regular customers.

However, due to being new to the virtual market space, many people are having trouble getting accustomed to it. So if you are also facing this trouble, then this article brings you expert solutions. This article gives you 9 expert tips to get leads for online business in 2022. So here we go-

  1. When you get the leads for online Business so Get a Website and a Mobile App

So you are in the mood for shopping today. What is the first thing you would do? Obviously, you will grab your phone and open Google first. Then you will browse a couple of websites to find out the latest trends, designs and prices. However, it might be possible that afterwards, you go to the mall with your friends so that you may also hang out while shopping. But wait a minute! How many times, it happen that you are attracted to a product online so badly that you buy that as well. You might buy it a couple of days, weeks or months later. But you surely will! Now here you caught the strategy right.

Internet is the first ‘mall’ these days that people like to visit within seconds. Since, it is accessible anytime and anywhere, hence people’s first choice is always a website or a mobile application for everything. So, if you have decided to go online for a business then first you develop an eye-catchy website and a mobile application. It will increase the chances of your getting noticed among your target audience. However, you will need to market your website and app before marketing your products and services. Also, if you lack knowledge about websites and app development, then we have also explained the same in our previous blogs. So go ahead and explore them as well for further clarification.

  1. Add Personal Touch with a Phone Number, Which is Available!

Now let’s think about another condition. Scrolling down Instagram reels, browsing Facebook pages and browsing ideas on Pinterest, are now part of our routine life. You also must have been through a situation, when you really liked a product on Instagram. But you abstained from buying it for two reasons-

  1. First, it asked for your credit, debit or bank account details.

  2. Second, it had no contact details and you could not develop trust in them.

Well, it happens with all of us. Now there are possibilities that the paged you found on Insta, Facebook or anywhere else online was not a fraud. But as you had no trust on them, so you avoided buying from them. Therefore, you must learn from this personal experience and always try to provide a contact number, e-mail and postal address on your website and other online platforms. And also make sure, that whenever a potential lead calls you, you are available to answer their queries.

However, you might be thinking that what if someone calls you at midnight? Well simply put, also add the contact timing details. It will further increase your credibility in the eyes of visitors and they will understand you as a genuine person.


  1. Get Ready for the Pains of Cash on Delivery, Returns and Exchanges

Ordering a product on cash on delivery and returning a product after using it for a couple of days, is a part of your life as well. Right? We all know it very well, that online shopping from top-notch e-commerce apps has spoiled us to a great extent. So, if you are in the initial or promotional stage of your online business, you will have to compete with these popular businesses. Ironically, it is now the time to pay back what you have done with various sellers. Make sure that you provide these options to your customers on your online selling platforms. Otherwise, people will abstain from you and will shift towards competitors.

Besides, people also do not trust new businesses and new online selling platforms. Hence, they do not prefer paying in advance. Eventually, having cash on delivery option is also important. Moreover, providing return and exchange will increase your burden, but if you provide the best quality then the chances of a customer returning your product will be negligible. Hence, focus on quality and increase your flexibility.

  1. Make Your Social Media Presence Felt

During the pandemic, people have become more social on social media than in the real life. Surveys have found that an Indian spends a minimum of one hour a day on social media. And if we, count the maximum figure, the hours will only increase. Hence, create your social media business pages and do not hesitate to link your personal account with the business page. It will bring you a ‘fake’ but an automatic number of audience on your page without much toils. And maybe, some of your friends or relatives may start buying from you. Also, if they like your products, they will also recommend them to their friends and relatives. This will further multiply your leads.

Besides, one more thing we would advise you to remember. In the present-day contexts, social media is not limited to Instagram, Facebook or WhatsApp. Rather, social media has taken a professional avatar of LinkedIn, Reddit, Just Dial and Google Ads. Making a presence on Facebook and Instagram is much easier. But having a presence on these professional social media accounts is more important. It does not only increase your credibility, but you will find the right ‘target’ audience on these professional social platforms. Otherwise, on the non-professional sites, your business might get limited to a couple of well-wishes and queries from your acquaintances only.

  1. Provide a Demo

Indian population comprises mostly of the middle incomed, down to earth families. We Indians think thousand times before buying an item. Also, we are in habit of not buying something unless we try it and feel fully satisfied. Therefore, many people still do not rely completely on online shopping. Especially, while buying items like clothes, bicycles, exercising tools and other similar items. Therefore, you will never find a vehicle being sold online! However, in the world of online business, it is not possible to provide a multi-sensory real-time user experience. But, you can provide a detailed demonstration in the form of video to your customers.

Amazon, Flipkart, Myntra and all other big online businesses, are today providing demo videos in the product description. A video demonstration usually increases the chances of a product’s sale. So, always provide a video demonstration of your product in the description section. Make the video short, crisp but informative enough. Especially, in the case of clothes and exercise items or for the items requiring assembling by the customers. It will surely help to generate leads for your online business.

  1. Partner with Well-Established E-Commerce Websites

Having and maintaining a well-developed website and mobile app may not be soothing to your pocket right now. So, let it go. Although, we have an easier hack as well. Today, the e-commerce platforms as part of their Corporate Social Responsibility are more committed to joining hands with small home-based businesses. So, you may rather list your products on these already established and popular platforms, instead of spending on developing your own website and mobile application.

Moreover, partnering with them is also not rocket science. So if you visit these platforms you will find options like ‘sell with Amazon’ and similar options for other platforms as well. Therefore, we have resolved one more problem of yours. Getting leads for your online business will be really fast if you partner with them.

  1. Optimise Your Google Ratings

Make sure, your business is listed on Google. It is because today, people also prefer to find your ratings on Google. So always, inform Google about your business. Now, you must be thinking that how can I list my business on Google. Well, if you are thinking that Google loves only famous businesses like KFC, McD or Amazon, then you are absolutely wrong. Here we are giving you a step by step approach to listing your business on Google-

  • First of all, take your phone or laptop and open Google.

  • Then a page will open, where you need to select the ‘manage now’ option.

  • So now, you are ready to fill in all the details of your business such as name, location, products, contact details and everything else.

  • Also, we would give you some ‘pro’ advice. Always, add high definition professional photos of your products, office and staff as well (if any). It leaves an everlasting impression on the visitors.

Moreover, once you have listed your business on Google. It might be possible that not many leads are reaching you. Well, this condition is because of a lack of SEO skills. So, if Google is not listing your business on the top of the search list, then it is just a matter of SEO. All you would need to do is, just reach out to some professional SEO developer for it. You may also come up to us and we can help you with this.

  1. Try a Corporate Office

Further, apart from this technical information, we would also advise you to have a corporate office to increase the chance of people trusting you. However, we are not compelling you to buy a property at all. Rather, you may start your work from home itself. So, on these online platforms, you may provide your home address as ‘official address.’ Well, we know, like any other Indian, you might be thinking what if people reach your home to tease you. Do not forget, that the leads who are browsing your business page are as suspicious as you.

Therefore, they will lack faith in you until you seem perfectly ‘genuine’ to them. So, you will have to take a risk to gain something. However, if you still do not feel comfortable, then we won’t compel you to give your address. You may rather add the address later when you buy one. In fact, a phone number will boost your credibility by 80%.

  1. Have Patience!

Last but not the least, we would advise you to have patience. In the present-day contexts, people have more restless nature. Therefore, if they do not get a profit for a couple of days or for a few months, they rush into closing the business. It is because they feel demotivated. Moreover, many of them try to switch to other businesses just within a month or two. Well, this is not apt. If you have just started a business, then you must remember, that you will not become a tycoon overnight. In fact, it takes more than 15 years to get overnight success. Success comes with time and patience. If you lose any of them, then you also lose the chances of succeeding.

So, if your business is not doing well, always make sure that you are using the right kind of strategy. You must be clear about the utility of your product and your target audience. For example, launching a 20 thousand gear cycle for adolescent children is an example of poor business strategy. Neither the adolescents have enough money, nor are their parents interested in buying such expensive ‘accidental hazard’ for them. Eventually, your idea will fail. However, launching 15 thousand treadmills for home use is still a better idea as it is a demand of the pandemic. Therefore, always be clear of your goals.

Final Remarks

Finally, we would sum up by saying that follow both technical and non-technical pieces of advice given by us. They are not going to cost you any loads of money. But taking a chance with them can help you get leads for your online business which you have just started. Also, these efforts will not take more than a week for you. So, try them once and have some patience. All the very best!

Some Useful links:

Mobile App Development Company

Web Design and Development Company
Digital Marketing Company

10 Reasons Your Offline Business Must Have an Online Presence?

10 Reasons Your Offline Business Must Have an Online Presence

The advancements in Information Technology have changed the world altogether. Today, the buying and selling activities that is the business activities have shifted towards the online platforms dramatically. Not to mention, the outbreak of the novel coronavirus has also played a vital role in the growing online business. As per Statista, one of the most reliable database sites, the revenue generated by E-commerce in the year 2020 equals over 4.2 trillion US dollars. Absolutely, the figure is completely astonishing. So, are you getting excited to go online? Well, there are many Mobile App developing company in India and Web Development Company in India that may help you in making the shift. Besides, if you are still wondering why you must go online, here we are giving you 10 Reasons Your Offline Business Must Have an Online Presence. But before, let us first understand the online business completely first-

What is Online Business?

Before starting with the ‘hows’ and ‘whys’, first, it is important to understand the online business. Firstly, online business is not only about buying and selling goods online through an E-Commerce website or mobile application. Indeed the online business is a much greater concept. But before understanding the online business in detail, it is important to know why your offline business must have an online presence. Below we are giving you 10 reasons for why your offline business must have an online presence.

Why Online Business is Important These Days?

10 Reasons Your Offline Business Must Have an Online Presence. Online business is lagging the offline brick and mortar stores far behind these days. The major reasons include the busy life schedules of people. Also, the outbreak of Covid-19 and the resultant lockdown restrictions have compelled people to grow more dependent upon online shopping for their needs. Besides, the following reasons also justify the move-


  1. Because that’s what your Competitors are Doing

First of all, the most important reason is that all your competitors are doing that. Besides, not only the existing competitors but the new market entrants such as eBay, Amazon and many others have already harmed the offline business to a great extent. During the time of the pandemic, many small even large brick and mortar stores were shut due to lockdown restrictions. Eventually, people have now understood the importance of online business. Therefore, they are reaching the doors of different mobile app development company in India along with web development company in India to take their business online. Eventually, you too need to buck up so that you may not be lagged behind.

  1. Your Customers need it from you

In the present day scenario, undoubtedly, the customers have become more habitual of shopping online. The trend of online shopping was initially popular only among business and corporate people. Since these people had no time to roam around in the markets, they used to shop online. However, the outbreak of Covid-19 and the resultant lockdown compelled others as well to buy from online platforms. Especially, in India grocery shopping is very important. Even for the grocery today we have groffers and other similar sites.

Now since everything is available online and people are still scared to visit crowded markets and public places, online shopping platforms have taken the maximum advantage from it. Now customers during the lockdown have grown more habitual of buying online. Therefore, it is necessary for you to visit a mobile app development company in India along with a web development company in India, which can give your business an online birth.

  1. You May Get Locked Down

Since 2020, we are facing lockdown every now and then. As soon as the coronavirus active cases increase, the government tends to lock down the public places first. Mall, shops and marketplaces are the first to shut generally and usually. Therefore, the business of these brick and mortar stores suffers the most. Eventually, it is now a necessity to find an alternative. Online existence is the best possible alternative for these lockdown restrictions these days. Hence, for the sake of perpetual survival, you need to make an online presence.

  1. Your Television and Newspaper Commercials are Ditching You

Do you still trust television and newspaper commercials for marketing your products? Well, your 30-second commercials and a few newspaper images are not sufficient at all. In the present day scenario, businesses generally have a global presence. Or at least they have a national existence. It is by means of digital marketing that businesses are able to reach a much wider audience. A new paper reaches a selected number of houses only. Also, during the covid-19 people avoid physical contact which such objects. Likewise, the OTT platforms like NetFlix and others have destroyed the business of Television. In this way, the commercials and advertisements given on TV or in newspapers do not reach the target audience.

Thus, it is necessary to switch to other effective marketing techniques such as social media marketing, YouTubing and WhatsApp marketing to increase the reach of your business. So do not rely on the old traditional methods of marketing but switch to the new modern one.

  1. People Don’t Trust You!

Today, until and unless, your business has a well-developed website, your customers fail to place trust in you. Just suppose you come across a new product in the newspaper, poster or any other source of advertising. Obviously, if interested you too will first google the product. It is because you want to know more about the product since the advertisement is just not enough. Now if you do not find any information on Google, obviously there are 90% chances that you will not choose to buy the product at all. So, the bottom line is that if you do not have an online presence, you will fail to acquire the trust of your target audience. Therefore, approach a good mobile app development company in India along with a web development company in India today itself. Ask them to do the honours for you!

  1. You are Growing Outdated

In the modern era, technological skill development is really necessary. Even the government of our country today strive to build the scientific and technological temper of the people as much as possible. If you read to New Education Policy of our country, you will see that technological education gets the maximum attention and focus. Therefore, if you are running away from technology, you are growing outdated. Eventually, you may soon lose charm among the young generation which must rather be your target audience to survive in the long run. Therefore, do not neglect the power of technical skill development and go online today itself.

  1. It’s Time to Work Smart

Moreover, artificial intelligence and business intelligence reduces tonnes of manual labour for you. On one hand the artificial intelligence can give your business a 24*7 hour existence without needing your physical presence. On the other hand, business intelligence tools can perform various manual jobs for you including HRM, financial and analytical functions. So instead of sitting the whole day to analyse which of your products has the maximum sale or calculating the accounts, you may just leave these jobs on the AI and BI tools and can focus more on decision making and other more important jobs in your business.

  1. You are Wasting Money

During the covid-19 and lockdown restriction, cost-cutting was a merciless move taken by large to small businesses. Many businesses fired most of their employees and replaced them with BI and AI. Obviously, they had been wasting their valuable time and money on manual labour so far. So, you must pay attention to the same and replace the manual work with these tools. This will save you a great deal of money. Also, it will increase your efficiency. Online business will enable you to get familiar with all such technologies and the mobile development company in India or the web development company in India will further guide you further.

  1. Make a Global Reach

Not to mention App store, Play store and Google already have a global reach. Consequently, once you reach any mobile development company in India or any web development company in India to develop a mobile app and website for your business, you will just need to market them to a few customers. Google Analytics will do the rest of the job for you. Both your website as well as your mobile application will reach the global audience automatically without any effort. Besides developing the app and website, your chosen company will also do the search engine optimisation (SEO) of your app and website. The SEO will make your business list top on the search results of people.

  1. Enjoy Your Time

Once, you have taken your business online and the Chatbot has replaced you, now you will be free to enjoy your time. Now you can fix your working hours and your website and mobile application are there to perform all the jobs for you. You just need to monitor the progress after establishing your online business. In this way, you must realise the importance of online business which can bring you closer to your family, friends and relatives. Also, you can now give time to your hobbies or may also plan to start another side business. So what are you waiting for? Take your business online today itself!

These are the 10 Reasons Your Offline Business Must Have an Online Presence.

Now the next question is, what it will take you to go online. Of course, shifting towards the online business is not an easy task. In fact, it has many challenges to overcome in your path. Below we are listing such challenges along with their relevant solutions for you.

Challenges in Going Online and How to Overcome Them


24*7 Hour Availability

Among the most crucial reasons why people choose online shopping is the 24*7 hours availability. In the present day context, people tend to lead a busy life routine. Clearly, in the present day scenario, nobody has sufficient time to spend hours in the markets. Moreover, the outbreak of the pandemic has further compelled people to stay locked down at homes. Therefore, the online mode of shopping is growing more popular. Thus, if you are planning for going online, make sure that you arrange for the 24*7 availability first. However, you need not bother about being awake all day night or even about hiring a person all day long, but any mobile development company in India or a web development company in India can help you out with the different AI tools which we are explaining below.

Perfect Use of Artificial Intelligence

Simply, by Artificial Intelligence we mean by a machine or technology which can perform human-like tasks with the human-like mind. For example, you must have used Siri in iPhone, Google Assistance on your Android phones and TVs, Alexa at your home that is not humans but works as a friend to you. This exactly what artificial intelligence is? Using such artificial intelligence for the online website or mobile application of an online business is trending massively these days. Thus, if you are planning to go online, you would also need to ask your Web Development Company or Mobile App development company to infuse this technology in your application and website too. This is necessary to ensure the 24*7 hour availability of your business and to reduce your workload simultaneously.

‘Chat Bots’ are the most common form of using artificial intelligence in the online business setup. These ‘Chat Bots’ are the software applications that tend to chat with your customers online to resolve their queries. Generally, online shoppers face trust issues and they have various queries about the product they are willing to buy. Obviously, you will be lacking personal touch with the customer in online business. So your chatbot will help you get personalised with the customers. Various Mobile App Development company in India offer the facility of great ChatBots. Likewise, you can also ask any Web Development company in India for providing one for your website as well.

Adopting Digital Marketing

When the entire business activity and operations are going online, how the marketing can be offline? Previously, television, radio and newspapers used to be the chief sources of advertising and marketing a product. However, the social media revolution has changed advertising and marketing tactics altogether. Today, to connect with the customers and increase the reach of a business, social media marketing or digital marketing is used. Indeed every small to large business today have an online presence on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and even Google+. Moreover, to fight the trust issues of the customers, the brands also make full-fledged videos for their product demo and description. They upload these videos on social media sites and also on YouTube.

Obviously, these videos offer what a 30-second television commercial or a newspaper image cannot. In this way, using social media or digital marketing a business can further increase its reach globally. Also, there is no need to approach any mobile app development company in India or even a web development company in India for the same. Rather, you may do this on your own.

So finally, as now we have learnt a great deal about the online business, we must now also try to reflect upon some of its major benefits, needs, advantages and disadvantages. Knowing these different aspects will bring us better decision making power. So let us begin to consider step by step-

With the help of the above discussion, we can say that online business is growing popular these days as it saves a lot of time and energy. Not only can the customers benefit from it, but also the business holder. On one hand, the customers may have the access to the products and services at any hour of the day. Hence, their convenience level increases. As the customers get the service or product delivered straight at their doorstep, they prefer online platforms for shopping over offline stores. Eventually, that is why today every big brand also have an online store. Likewise, the online mode of business is convenient to the seller or service provider as well. Basically, the anytime and anywhere availability has made online business popular. Undoubtedly, Covid-19 has also helped in the growing popularity of the online business.

What Benefits Will I Have with an Online Business During Covid-19?

Amidst the Covid-19, today many people repel from visiting crowded places. Therefore, they prefer online shopping sites to offline stores. In this way, it is better to have an online existence than to have a physical store only. Also, in this article, we are not trying to intend that you must have only an online business but the intended meaning is that you must ‘also have an online presence.’ Moreover, in addition to consumer preferences, yet another benefit of having an online business during covid-19 is continuity. As discussed earlier also, repeated lockdown disturbs the smooth functioning of a physical store. Due to this, not only the sales of a physical store suffers continuously but also, the buyer is getting frustrated. In this way, having an online presence will make your business survive perpetually.

What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages?

Every coin has two aspects and so has an online business. Having an online presence has both pros and cons. On one hand, online business has various benefits both to the buyer as well as to the seller. On the other hand, many people still repel from buying or selling online, especially in India as they lack trust in online financial transactions. Due to rising online transaction fraud, people still lack trust in buying and purchasing online. So, we can list the pros and cons as below-

  • Global Customer Reach

  • 24*7 Hours Availability

  • Buyers’ Comfort

  • Time-Saving

  • Cost-Effective

  • Trust Issues among Customers

  • Needs much hard work in advertising and marketing

  • Data Privacy Issues

  • The online transaction still bothers some people today

So what’s the Final Call?

So finally, we can say that a web development company in India and a mobile app development company in India can help a great deal to your offline business to go online. If your offline business has an online presence, it cannot only increase its reach but also function much more effortlessly. However, in addition to these numerous benefits, the online business also has many challenges to overcome. Especially, the data privacy and data security issues have bothered the online business a lot. Since a few people still repel from online business transactions, hence online business is yet to grow more popular. However, today the pandemic has converted the majority of customers to online shoppers. Thus, if you have an offline business, they also make your online presence today and enjoy the perks irrespective of lockdown fears.

Some Useful links:

Mobile App Development Company

Web Design and Development Company
Digital Marketing Company