How to Get Leads for Online Business in 2023

Finally, after a long-awaited lockdown, the pandemic is pacing down gradually in 2023. We all are aware that many of us have lost our jobs and even well-established businesses during this hard time. But, as now almost everything is open publically, the charm of social life is coming back slowly. However, many of us had to shift to online selling platforms during the pandemic for the sake of survival. But, not everyone is ‘pro’ in the world of ‘online business.’ It is a no denying fact that when a business goes online, so goes online it’s marketing. Marketing is the only means to get leads for a business. The more effective the marketing, the more the number of leads become regular customers.

However, due to being new to the virtual market space, many people are having trouble getting accustomed to it. So if you are also facing this trouble, then this article brings you expert solutions. This article gives you 9 expert tips to get leads for online business in 2022. So here we go-

  1. When you get the leads for online Business so Get a Website and a Mobile App

So you are in the mood for shopping today. What is the first thing you would do? Obviously, you will grab your phone and open Google first. Then you will browse a couple of websites to find out the latest trends, designs and prices. However, it might be possible that afterwards, you go to the mall with your friends so that you may also hang out while shopping. But wait a minute! How many times, it happen that you are attracted to a product online so badly that you buy that as well. You might buy it a couple of days, weeks or months later. But you surely will! Now here you caught the strategy right.

Internet is the first ‘mall’ these days that people like to visit within seconds. Since, it is accessible anytime and anywhere, hence people’s first choice is always a website or a mobile application for everything. So, if you have decided to go online for a business then first you develop an eye-catchy website and a mobile application. It will increase the chances of your getting noticed among your target audience. However, you will need to market your website and app before marketing your products and services. Also, if you lack knowledge about websites and app development, then we have also explained the same in our previous blogs. So go ahead and explore them as well for further clarification.

  1. Add Personal Touch with a Phone Number, Which is Available!

Now let’s think about another condition. Scrolling down Instagram reels, browsing Facebook pages and browsing ideas on Pinterest, are now part of our routine life. You also must have been through a situation, when you really liked a product on Instagram. But you abstained from buying it for two reasons-

  1. First, it asked for your credit, debit or bank account details.

  2. Second, it had no contact details and you could not develop trust in them.

Well, it happens with all of us. Now there are possibilities that the paged you found on Insta, Facebook or anywhere else online was not a fraud. But as you had no trust on them, so you avoided buying from them. Therefore, you must learn from this personal experience and always try to provide a contact number, e-mail and postal address on your website and other online platforms. And also make sure, that whenever a potential lead calls you, you are available to answer their queries.

However, you might be thinking that what if someone calls you at midnight? Well simply put, also add the contact timing details. It will further increase your credibility in the eyes of visitors and they will understand you as a genuine person.


  1. Get Ready for the Pains of Cash on Delivery, Returns and Exchanges

Ordering a product on cash on delivery and returning a product after using it for a couple of days, is a part of your life as well. Right? We all know it very well, that online shopping from top-notch e-commerce apps has spoiled us to a great extent. So, if you are in the initial or promotional stage of your online business, you will have to compete with these popular businesses. Ironically, it is now the time to pay back what you have done with various sellers. Make sure that you provide these options to your customers on your online selling platforms. Otherwise, people will abstain from you and will shift towards competitors.

Besides, people also do not trust new businesses and new online selling platforms. Hence, they do not prefer paying in advance. Eventually, having cash on delivery option is also important. Moreover, providing return and exchange will increase your burden, but if you provide the best quality then the chances of a customer returning your product will be negligible. Hence, focus on quality and increase your flexibility.

  1. Make Your Social Media Presence Felt

During the pandemic, people have become more social on social media than in the real life. Surveys have found that an Indian spends a minimum of one hour a day on social media. And if we, count the maximum figure, the hours will only increase. Hence, create your social media business pages and do not hesitate to link your personal account with the business page. It will bring you a ‘fake’ but an automatic number of audience on your page without much toils. And maybe, some of your friends or relatives may start buying from you. Also, if they like your products, they will also recommend them to their friends and relatives. This will further multiply your leads.

Besides, one more thing we would advise you to remember. In the present-day contexts, social media is not limited to Instagram, Facebook or WhatsApp. Rather, social media has taken a professional avatar of LinkedIn, Reddit, Just Dial and Google Ads. Making a presence on Facebook and Instagram is much easier. But having a presence on these professional social media accounts is more important. It does not only increase your credibility, but you will find the right ‘target’ audience on these professional social platforms. Otherwise, on the non-professional sites, your business might get limited to a couple of well-wishes and queries from your acquaintances only.

  1. Provide a Demo

Indian population comprises mostly of the middle incomed, down to earth families. We Indians think thousand times before buying an item. Also, we are in habit of not buying something unless we try it and feel fully satisfied. Therefore, many people still do not rely completely on online shopping. Especially, while buying items like clothes, bicycles, exercising tools and other similar items. Therefore, you will never find a vehicle being sold online! However, in the world of online business, it is not possible to provide a multi-sensory real-time user experience. But, you can provide a detailed demonstration in the form of video to your customers.

Amazon, Flipkart, Myntra and all other big online businesses, are today providing demo videos in the product description. A video demonstration usually increases the chances of a product’s sale. So, always provide a video demonstration of your product in the description section. Make the video short, crisp but informative enough. Especially, in the case of clothes and exercise items or for the items requiring assembling by the customers. It will surely help to generate leads for your online business.

  1. Partner with Well-Established E-Commerce Websites

Having and maintaining a well-developed website and mobile app may not be soothing to your pocket right now. So, let it go. Although, we have an easier hack as well. Today, the e-commerce platforms as part of their Corporate Social Responsibility are more committed to joining hands with small home-based businesses. So, you may rather list your products on these already established and popular platforms, instead of spending on developing your own website and mobile application.

Moreover, partnering with them is also not rocket science. So if you visit these platforms you will find options like ‘sell with Amazon’ and similar options for other platforms as well. Therefore, we have resolved one more problem of yours. Getting leads for your online business will be really fast if you partner with them.

  1. Optimise Your Google Ratings

Make sure, your business is listed on Google. It is because today, people also prefer to find your ratings on Google. So always, inform Google about your business. Now, you must be thinking that how can I list my business on Google. Well, if you are thinking that Google loves only famous businesses like KFC, McD or Amazon, then you are absolutely wrong. Here we are giving you a step by step approach to listing your business on Google-

  • First of all, take your phone or laptop and open Google.

  • Then a page will open, where you need to select the ‘manage now’ option.

  • So now, you are ready to fill in all the details of your business such as name, location, products, contact details and everything else.

  • Also, we would give you some ‘pro’ advice. Always, add high definition professional photos of your products, office and staff as well (if any). It leaves an everlasting impression on the visitors.

Moreover, once you have listed your business on Google. It might be possible that not many leads are reaching you. Well, this condition is because of a lack of SEO skills. So, if Google is not listing your business on the top of the search list, then it is just a matter of SEO. All you would need to do is, just reach out to some professional SEO developer for it. You may also come up to us and we can help you with this.

  1. Try a Corporate Office

Further, apart from this technical information, we would also advise you to have a corporate office to increase the chance of people trusting you. However, we are not compelling you to buy a property at all. Rather, you may start your work from home itself. So, on these online platforms, you may provide your home address as ‘official address.’ Well, we know, like any other Indian, you might be thinking what if people reach your home to tease you. Do not forget, that the leads who are browsing your business page are as suspicious as you.

Therefore, they will lack faith in you until you seem perfectly ‘genuine’ to them. So, you will have to take a risk to gain something. However, if you still do not feel comfortable, then we won’t compel you to give your address. You may rather add the address later when you buy one. In fact, a phone number will boost your credibility by 80%.

  1. Have Patience!

Last but not the least, we would advise you to have patience. In the present-day contexts, people have more restless nature. Therefore, if they do not get a profit for a couple of days or for a few months, they rush into closing the business. It is because they feel demotivated. Moreover, many of them try to switch to other businesses just within a month or two. Well, this is not apt. If you have just started a business, then you must remember, that you will not become a tycoon overnight. In fact, it takes more than 15 years to get overnight success. Success comes with time and patience. If you lose any of them, then you also lose the chances of succeeding.

So, if your business is not doing well, always make sure that you are using the right kind of strategy. You must be clear about the utility of your product and your target audience. For example, launching a 20 thousand gear cycle for adolescent children is an example of poor business strategy. Neither the adolescents have enough money, nor are their parents interested in buying such expensive ‘accidental hazard’ for them. Eventually, your idea will fail. However, launching 15 thousand treadmills for home use is still a better idea as it is a demand of the pandemic. Therefore, always be clear of your goals.

Final Remarks

Finally, we would sum up by saying that follow both technical and non-technical pieces of advice given by us. They are not going to cost you any loads of money. But taking a chance with them can help you get leads for your online business which you have just started. Also, these efforts will not take more than a week for you. So, try them once and have some patience. All the very best!

Some Useful links:

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Latest Web Development Technologies 2023

Introduction: The latest web development technologies will impact the world of business and commerce. These will make the web a better place and increase users’ time spent on the website.

These new technology trends will also have a significant impact on travel and retail. The most important of these is virtual reality. It will revolutionise the way people view the world in the future.

In fact, it will be used by many major media outlets. For more information, read the following article.

The world has gone mobile. This is one of the most significant changes in Web Development company and is starting to influence all industries. In fact, the internet is a powerful platform to drive business.

Its capabilities are growing, and new web developers are constantly improving it. Its popularity will increase, with Google and Amazon launching new products in this area. As a result, most businesses will be making their websites mobile-friendly.

Web development industry



Next-generation websites will be built using the latest technologies in the web development industry. As part of this evolution, web developers are exploring new ways to innovate.

For example, serverless architecture is the next big thing in the digital marketing world. It allows developers to create web applications that are flexible and highly scalable.

These new technologies are being developed to meet the demands of the modern market. However, the most important thing is that the developers utilise the latest web development technologies and the best practices available.


The latest trends in website development are also an excellent time to hire a professional to create your website. If you want to get ahead in the competition, you need to have an expert in web development.

You should make sure that you select a Web Development company that specialises in a particular field. Unless you specialise in one of these, your website will be outdated in a few years.

And if you want your website to stand out, you need to invest in the latest technologies to ensure it is as secure as possible.


One of the most promising web development technologies for the next five years is Augmented Reality. It is a new technology that opens the doors for improved consumer judgment and user engagement.

This new technology is becoming popular among designers and developers. This new tech is a perfect fit for showcasing product and service images and has already been used by many websites. In addition to its visual appeal, Augmented Reality is also excellent for motion parallax and building 3D designs.


In Best Web Development company in India, technology that is likely to impact web development technologies in the coming year is the Progressive web app. This technology eliminates the need for a separate mobile application.

Unlike traditional apps, this technology is fast and linear. An excellent example of this is the Uber application, which uses this cutting-edge website technology.

This advanced website technology is becoming more common because it is reliable, efficient, and easy to use. It is also a great way to boost your business’s online presence.


Besides this, many other Best Web Development company in India, web development technologies will revolutionise the way we live our lives. These include voice search optimisation, chatbots, and mobile apps.

Among them, the AMPs are the most important. They can improve site speed and help improve SEO rankings. With the introduction of the AMP, businesses can take advantage of these innovative technologies to attract more customers. The new innovations are bound to create a better world for everyone.

Virtual reality:

It is one of the latest web development technologies for mobile devices in Best Web Development company in India. It is a popular design trend and is increasingly a part of many major B2C companies.

Besides their popularity, chatbots are becoming a vital part of digital development. This technology helps developers create interactive applications that can be used on various platforms.

As a result, there will be a more significant number of apps available in the market.

Motion UI:

Moreover, In Website Development Company, this technology is used to make websites more attractive. It will be possible to develop mobile-friendly websites.

These new technologies will help users access different services and products. In addition, it will allow users to customise their experience according to their preferences.

So, developers should be able to customise their web applications to meet their needs.


  • Similarly, chatbots can be used for customer support. In addition, chatbots can be used to solve problems that are too complex for a human. These technologies will improve how we interact with customers and increase the chances of building a better future. These are some of the latest web development technologies. While many of them may not directly impact businesses, they will change how people live and interact with the internet.
  • Another trend in web development is the integration of chatbots. In this case, the virtual assistant can be incorporated into any internet-connected application. Moreover, it can even help you with product discovery. Depending on the type of business, chatbots can be used in different industries. For example, a mobile application can be developed by a Web Development company with a webcam. This feature makes the site more attractive for users.

Machine learning:

With the help of virtual reality, developers will be able to develop mobile-friendly websites. The technology will provide access to data and content to people on any device.

Moreover, it will increase customer engagement by 50 percent compared to native mobile apps. If a customer experiences a seamless experience, the Web Development company will use VR technology to increase sales and make the world a better place to live in.

Voice-activated technology:

  • Besides the HTML5 and CSS3 standards, a new web technology called Voice-activated technology will change how people interact with the internet. The technology will be available on mobile devices, enabling users to search for information and services without touching a keyboard. During the last years, a new language called JavaScript has been introduced. In addition to reducing errors, it will increase user experience.
  • Currently, In Web-based Applications in India, HTML is the primary language used for web development. This is the code that ensures the proper formatting of website content. This language is used to develop software and applications. Moreover, it helps developers connect with other products and services and improve the functionality of their websites. It will also enable developers to use a broader range of technologies for website development. The most advanced APIs will allow two or more software applications to interact with each other.
  • In Website Development Company, Voice-activated technology will change the way people interact with the internet. Besides, it will improve the user’s experience. With this technology, the voice-activated technology will allow the users to interact with a virtual assistant. In addition, AI-powered virtual assistants will be able to recognise different voices. They will even help users customise their experiences. They will help them to find products and services. AMPs are a popular way for users to communicate with a virtual assistant.


In Website Development Company, these technologies help users navigate the internet with ease. Unlike HTML, these technologies can be customised to suit the needs of different users.

The latest web development trends are interactive. This means that a website can be customised for any user. It has a customisable and user-friendly interface.

The next step in the process of creating a site is creating a chatbot. It can answer any questions and provide information.

  • The trend of working from home has taken the world by storm, and this is no exception for web developers. Whether you’re an eCommerce site or a social networking site, progressive web apps offer a similar experience as native mobile apps and will continue to grow in importance over the next few years. Although they may still be a few years away, there are many reasons to make the transition now. The following are some of the most promising technologies that will dominate the industry in the years to come.
  • In addition to delivering a near-native experience, AMP (Accelerated Mobile Page) is a promising way to develop mobile web apps. This low-level, assembly-like language can be launched by a browser, and it can run a variety of languages. As it’s based on usage instead of hardware, this technique is expected to be the next big thing in web development.
  • Another exciting trend for the future of web development is the use of progressive web apps. This technology is making the most of the benefits that it offers over native apps. Its features include reduced loading time and a linear user experience. In addition, it has been proven to be a reliable, smooth, and reliable website. It will definitely revolutionise the way we develop our websites. Moreover, the use of these technologies will be essential in future web applications.
  • In Web-based Applications in India, Motion UI and AMPs are the following two technologies for mobile devices. Accelerated mobile pages, or AMPs, are web pages built with an adaptive framework that can improve the performance of any page. AMPs are a popular web design technique. It is similar to Progressive web apps and aims to make digital products more accessible to users. These technologies can speed up page loading, make them mobile-friendly and more interactive.

Progressive web applications:

This technology is already in place and is the most common way to create apps. Unlike a traditional mobile application, a Progressive web app can be used on any device and doesn’t require a separate mobile app to work.

It provides a smooth, linear user experience and minimal loading time. This technology is also becoming more popular than ever and is making a significant impact on the future of web development.

Serverless architecture:


In Web based Application in India, this web development trend is part of cloud computing execution. Rather than relying on regular servers, serverless architecture will use clouds to manage the machine’s resources.

This is particularly beneficial for websites and mobile apps, as regular servers are no longer necessary to create an app. Moreover, it will reduce the costs of development and keep the internet environment more sustainable.

As more businesses move online, more developers are implementing this technology, including small and medium-sized businesses.

  • In addition to serverless web development, other cutting-edge technologies are expected to enter the market in the coming years. Blockchain, for example, is becoming more common as a distributed ledger, allowing for secure and private transactions online. Google is also working on accelerating desktop websites, and this technology is being incorporated into popular cloud services. It is a technology worth considering for content-driven websites and applications.
  • The progressive web app has been around for a while, and its popularity is growing. It offers a smooth and linear experience for users and has minimal loading time. Moreover, it doesn’t need a separate mobile application. As the most important trend of the year, it is the use of voice search technology. With the increasing popularity of voice search, more people are choosing this technology over typing. The technology is also expected to improve the user experience of websites.
  • Another innovative web development technology for the coming years is serverless architecture. This type of application architecture lets cloud providers provide server resources on-demand, eliminating the need for physical infrastructure. With this new approach, users no longer have to wait for pages to load. Instead, they can browse the site, read the content, and share it with their friends. This technology is a perfect fit for e-commerce websites. In the future, serverless architecture will become a standard method of application creation.


It is a popular trend in web development. It has been used by various industries to increase customer satisfaction and increase sales. By using this technology, companies can engage with their customers and analyse consumer behaviour.

Artificial intelligence is becoming more common than ever. It can improve customer loyalty, improve products, and increase sales. A few of the top applications of IoT include banking and healthcare. It also provides real-time analytics.

It is essential to consider what is gaining traction in the market. For example, a website can benefit from the latest technologies. The best way to utilise them is to choose well-suited for your business’s specific needs.

For instance, a virtual meeting could improve remote work. A high-speed internet connection is the first step to a virtual reality-enabled website. Similarly, a website can benefit from a VR app that is fully functional.

Artificial intelligence:

  • It will continue to play a significant role in the world of web development. Aside from advancing the browser’s capabilities and making a website more functional and responsive, Artificial intelligence and machine learning will also play a significant role in the industry. Lastly, progressive web apps (PWAs) will be a popular tool for website owners and similar to native mobile applications. Both types of web applications will have the same speed and responsiveness as their native counterparts.
  • Artificial intelligence is a powerful tool changing how we live and work. It can also be incorporated into various aspects of website development. These technologies are expected to revolutionise the field of website development. For example, voice control will allow developers to conduct long searches without having to type long keywords. Additionally, the use of smartwatches, AR/VR modules, and voice assistants will allow developers to extend their applications to new and varied digital touchpoints.
  • The use of serverless architecture is expected to be used in IoT apps and other services. This technology does not require server software or hardware but instead uses the cloud. Unlike the traditional way of doing things, a SPA site is optimised for mobile devices. In addition, it is better suited for mobile devices. Using the latest technology can make your website more adaptable to different platforms. The internet is evolving, and so can your website.
  • AMPs were made mandatory for Google News visibility until the summer of 2021, and they are widely used in mobile applications. AMPs are an extension of HTML, which makes them more compatible with all browsers. It allows users to access different content from the same device. It also supports cross-platform and hybrid apps. As of 2022, the AMPs will still be a significant part of Google’s algorithm.

Voice recognition:

  • Its technology is one of the most essential web development technologies in the coming years. This new technology will improve the way websites communicate with the user. With companies like Apple and Google launching smart speakers, voice recognition will become a popular website feature. Aside from voice recognition, websites will have more accessibility features. Using a virtual meeting room is one of the most common uses of this technology, and a reputable angularJS developer can offer these tools to their clients.
  • Other emerging web development technologies will help developers save time. Currently, voice control technology is used by many users to search for information. With voice recognition technology, people can perform long searches by simply speaking words and phrases into a microphone. This technology also allows for more accessibility. The latest version of Amazon’s Alexa, Siri, and Google have begun implementing this technology into their products and services.

Web Assembly:

It is another emerging technology that is set to take the web development world by storm. It’s a new language based on the C# programming language and supports JavaScript and C/C++.

It is not just for mobile devices but also works on different platforms, including smartphones and tablets. As these technologies grow in popularity, the industry is likely to continue to be a competitive one.

The use of new and innovative technologies will help companies compete in the global marketplace, attract more customers, and increase profits.

Conclusion: With the advancement in technology, the future of web development also looks bright. With advances in graphics and voice recognition, developers aim to create interactive websites that work on mobile and desktop devices.

This is one of the many reasons why Google has taken the initiative to ensure that desktop websites are optimised for every user’s screen size. These new technologies can help enhance the user experience across devices and ultimately benefit the entire web development industry.